# FAQ | Frequently asked questions on STS-hub.de [![Logo STS-hub.de](https://sts-hub.de/images/stshubde_logo.png =250x)](https://sts-hub.de) ### Organisation – time, logistics, finance * **Q: When is registration possible?** * **A:** [Registration](https://sts-hub.de/register) is still possible. * **Q: When does the event start and end?** * **A:** We expect the event to start on the Wednesday lunch time and end on the Friday after lunch time. For details, check out the [programme](https://sts-hub.de/programme). An [early career researcher and PhD workshop](https://insist-network.com/registration-for-insist-barcamp-sts-hub2023/) is scheduled for the Wednesday morning. * **Q: What is the Corona policy of the event?** * **A:** Check out the [programme](https://sts-hub.de/programme) General Information section for details. Key: please conduct a self-test for the virus before you join the event; we welcome people wearing masks. * **Q: What are the catering plans for the event?** * **A:** Check out the [programme](https://sts-hub.de/programme) General Information section for details. * **Q: I want to schedule a dinner meeting around the hub – where to go to eat and drink?** * **A:** See https://sts-hub.de/eat * **Q: What is the participation fee? Will the fee be reduced if I am actively contributing content?** * **A:** We do not charge you any fee. * **Q: Do you have any posters or flyers to advertise the STS-hub?** * **A:** We have. Please download a [png](https://sts-hub.de/files/stshub2023_poster.png) or [pdf](https://sts-hub.de/files/stshub2023_poster.pdf) file. * **Q: Are funds available for covering (travel) expenses for panel organisers, panelists, contributors or other participants?** * **A:** Unfortunately, we do not have funds available to support any kind of participants. Gladly, we are not asking for a participation fee. * **Q: Does the STS-Hub recommend any hotels to stay over, and when should I book accommodation** * **A:** The accommodation situation in Aachen can be slightly tricky. We encourage STS-hub participants to organise their accommodation early; we cannot, however, recommend any specific provider. * **Q: Where will the event take place, and what are its technical constraints?** * **A:** The event will take place at [C.A.R.L.](https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Aktuell/Pressemitteilungen/Februar/~hmcd/Neues-Hoersaalzentrum-heisst-C-A-R-L/) ([Claßenstraße](https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/159799665#map=19/50.77984/6.07378), 52070 Aachen), a building with several lecture halls and seminar rooms, with projectors available (note that rooms are *not* equipped with computers, so bring your own laptops). Check out the [programme](https://sts-hub.de/programme) General Information section for details. Technical support during the conference will be limited. The venue's bandwidth is not specifically designed for virtual participation. The building, its close environment are accessible by wheelchair; inside the building you can find an elevator. * **Q: Is childcare available?** * **A:** We have a limited capacity for childcare. The childcare slots were distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration for childcare is now *closed*. The [distance](https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=graphhopper_foot&route=50.77984%2C6.07378%3B50.77741%2C6.07932#map=17/50.77861/6.07663) from the conference venue to the childcare facility is around 600 meters. ### Programme and panels * **Q: When can we see the programme?** * **A:** A draft version of the programme was published first late January 2023, a [final version of the programme](https://sts-hub.de/programme) was published 9th of March. For more details, see the [timeline](https://sts-hub.de/timeline.html). * **Q: How often can a participant appear with an active role in the programme?** * **A:** We are planning the hub under the assumption that any active participant appears in up to two (2!) time slots. For example, if you present two papers in two different panels we will make sure that these panels are not scheduled in the same time slot. If you want to contribute actively in more than two time slots we cannot guarantee that the schedule matches up nicely to do so (though, of course we try our best to avoid booking any contributor more than once at the same time). * **Q: Can I request a specific timeslot for my active contribution?** * **A:** Unfortunately, given the engaged community reaction to our calls and therefore the expected number of participants, we cannot commit to considering specific timeslot requirements. * **Q: What is the difference between special topic panels and the open topic panel?** * **A:** The STS-hub is primarily organised via panels. Most panels are led and organised by members of the field in response to an earlier call for panels that closed in June 2022. We call these panels revolving around a specific/central idea [Special Topic Panels](https://sts-hub.de/panels). In addition, we have an [Open Topic Panel](https://sts-hub.de/open), organised centrally by the team running sts-hub.de. The latter panel is open to any submission that fits the event’s theme ‘Circulations’. For participating in this open topic panel, we invite you to respond to our call (closing November 11th) with your abstract for a paper/presentation/idea. * **Q: I organise a Special Topic Panel. Can I get support in circulating my call for papers?** * **A:** Yes. If you like, just send us a .pdf file with your cfp to [programme@sts-hub.de](mailto:programme@sts-hub.de). You call will be published in a specific cfp folder on our [website](https://sts-hub.de/panels) so people who are interested in the sts-hub can have a look if they want to participate in your panel. Beyond that, we recommend you consider distributing your cfp actively. Within the Fediverse, such as in Mastodon, and on Twitter we use the hashtag #STShubDe. Widespread sts-related news distribution systems used by German scholars include, but are not limited to, EASST's [Eurograd](http://lists.easst.net/listinfo.cgi/eurograd-easst.net) list, [dests](https://www.dests.de/kontakt), the [GWTF mailing list](http://www.gwtf.de/mailingliste.html), the [mattermost](https://stsing.org/organizing#Mattermost) platform moderated by stsing for the STS community in Germany, as well as the list serves for the members of various associations. ### Language & Regionality * **Q: How binding is the focus on Germany (vs. Germany, Austria, Switzerland)?** * **A:** The STS-hub openly invites contributions. We are primarily interested in creating a meeting space for STS researchers who are active in diverse associations and disciplines in Germany. However, STS researchers from all over the world who like to get in conversations with STS researchers based in Germany are warmly welcomed. * **Q: In which language should I submit contributions?** * **A:** Contributions may be submitted in German and English. * **Q: What is the language of STS-Hub.de 2023?** * **A:** The default language is English, but individual panels may be held in German. ### Abstract/submission technicalities * **Q: What is the maximum length for abstracts?** * **A:** We recommend 300-500 words, plus a biographical note of max 80 words on each contributor. ### Content & Theme * **Q: Can I contribute to the hub with a strictly theoretical paper?** * **A:** In general, both empirical and theoretical/conceptual papers are welcome. We specifically invite you to engage with the theme of the event 'circulations'. * **Q: How specific should my contribution engage with the call?** * **A:** This depends on the panel you submit your paper to. For the centrally organised [Open Topic Panel](https://sts-hub.de/open), we invite diversity as well as new and interesting perspectives. A reference to the concept of circulation may take different shades. * **Q: How closely should my contribution fit the topics outlined in the call? For instance, is Covid19 to be read as an example or should my idea focus one of the proposed topics?** * **A:** The [Call](https://sts-hub.de/open) has given several exemplary thematic lines that fold the theme of circulation into an STS specific approach. You can use these examples for orientation but you do not have to. * **Q: Can my contribution be slightly off topic with regards to 'circulations' as it relates to e.g. flows, dynamics or relations?** * **A:** Yes, we love to see proposals that engage with the general theme in ways we have not yet considered. ### Concept * **Q: Why is it a "hub"?** * **A:** The hub allows hub participants to temporally get together, meet, exchange ideas, and take home impressions and insights, benefitting from a broad range of STS knowledges shared in the same time and place. In short, calling the meeting a ‘hub’ highlights our goal to connect the multitude of partially distinct, partially overlapping STS networks, associations, research groups and individual scholars. ###### tags: `STSHubGermany`