Conference Theme

STS has a complex relationship with critique…

... famously expressed in Bruno Latour's concern that critique may have run out of steam. As a research practice striving for exploratory, collaborative and inventive engagements, STS has often distanced itself from critique as a merely theoretical and normative exercise. Major critical perspectives in STS are driven by feminist approaches to situated knowledges, analytics of materialised power, histories of colonial and postcolonial science and technology, as well as more-than-human ontologies. These perspectives continue important traditions of critique while connecting with more recent critical formations such as Queer and Trans Studies, Black Studies, Indigenous Studies and Environmental Justice.

Many of these approaches embrace modes of critique that go beyond unmasking, deconstructing, and reflecting. We suggest that ‘diffraction’ offers a productive figure to think and do such critique. Donna Haraway and Karen Barad have described diffraction as a methodology that is attentive to the ways in which differences are made and matter differently – an approach to research and knowledge production that has been widely developed further within Feminist STS. Here, diffraction is a critical practice of mapping out differences through their effects in the world in order to understand how categories of the social, including race, sex, gender, sexuality, religion, labour, the (non-)human and the (non- )living persist and transform. With the title Diffracting the Critical, we want to mobilise diffraction and diffracting in two ways: (1) as a challenge to review and collect critical practices in and of STS research, and (2) as an expansive mode of doing critique, also outside the confines of STS.

Diffracting the critical, we believe, is an important task to re-equip STS in the age of climate change's poly-crisis, as we see natural disasters, demographic changes, economic instability, and democratic backsliding compound an already seemingly insurmountable set of problems. Questions about where these shifts are felt and how they manifest socially and politically are inextricably bound up with the legacies of colonialism, the ongoing injustices of resource exploitation, and rising right-wing populism. Our current predicament, thus, affords a return to a formative question in STS: what is “the critical” in a field that is methodologically, thematically, and theoretically as diverse as ours?

The STS Hub 2025 is an opportunity to collectively explore contemporary formations of critique in and with STS along three thematic clusters: ecologies & infrastructures, scales & temporalities, collaborations & solidarities.

Ecologies & Infrastructures

Ecologies and infrastructures have long been analysed as political, as they emerge from historically situated practices, shape knowledges, and constitute subjectivities. Critical perspectives in STS have, among other things, focused on tracing power dynamics in the construction and maintenance of infrastructures, both physical and digital, as well as on the production of differential vulnerabilities within ecologies. Yet the critical acquires another significance, closer to criticality than critique, with the recognition that life, human and otherwise, thrives in “critical zones” characterised by material phase transitions, sympoietic emergences, and dangerous tipping points. This, in turn, challenges the way we understand the critical as embedded in techno-material processes. Infrastructures labelled as critical, as fundamental support structures for life, data, and the economy, have come into view as managing and anticipating potential risks. The global competition for critical raw materials is yet another development, where the critical denotes a state of geopolitical, ecological, and existential crisis.

Scales & Temporalities

In an age of post-colonial entanglements and planetary turmoil, a key dimension of the critical must also be scalarity. At what scales and times should we consider, research, and critically engage the multiple problems of our time? This is a fundamental methodological, epistemological, and ontological problem. On the one hand, neither the scale of “locality” nor that of “the planetary” seems entirely sufficient or convincing for problems that are at once global and local. On the other hand, our methods appear somewhat unsuitable for problems that often require doing research across times and scales, not only beyond the “human” but also beyond the boundaries of individual and disciplinary research projects. The possibility of critical research and practice increasingly depends on the capacity of effectively bringing together radically different scales and temporalities, from deep time and the Capitalocene to the nano-scale and the planetary, to think differently about where we find ourselves today.

Collaborations & Solidarities

The critical is also being reinvented through research collaborations and in emerging forms of academic solidarities. In Germany, STS is increasingly institutionalised in research and higher education, leading to interdisciplinary collaborations close to the centres of subpolitical decision-making and authority. This presents a unique opportunity for STS to make critical interventions in spaces where techno-scientific, positivist, and economic rationalities rule. Such opportunities can align with movements from within science that take a critical stance in advocating for open science, responsible research and innovation, research integrity, reproducibility, or experimental data platforms. Furthermore, STS increasingly collaborates with affected communities and issue publics that engage in their own forms of critique. These developments compel STS to reassess its relationship to critique: how can we critically engage with such forms of critique and strike the difficult balance between collaborative engagement and analytical distance? And lastly, the critical lies at the heart of emerging forms of academic solidarities that expose structures of academic precarity, sexualised violence, and abuses of power. These experiences make evident that critique is a continuous process. It is part of the steady struggle to open structures and categories, but also different ways of knowing in, through, and beyond research, science, technology, and education.

Diffracting the Critical calls for a collective exploration of how the critical is entangled in the complex interplay of ecologies, infrastructures, scales, temporalities, collaborations, and solidarities. We encourage reflections on how the critical is mobilised and enacted within STS. This moment of diffraction also requires us to ask where STS has underdeveloped a critical voice or where critique might be reoriented. This conference is an invitation to strengthen and expand upon critical perspectives and approaches within STS, and to form new alliances and collaborations! We welcome contributions that engage STS from a plurality of disciplines and fields, including, among others, Algorithm Studies, Architecture, Arts, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Data Studies, Design, Disability Studies, Education Studies, Ethnology, Film Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, History, Humanities (Environmental or otherwise), Literature, Media Studies, Migration Studies, Philosophy, Political Science and Theory, Queer and Trans Studies, Sociology, and Urban Studies. We are specifically committed to promoting expansions and intersections of STS with non-academic and non-disciplinary knowledges and practices.

Presentations can be held either in English or German. We strive for a diversity of voices and perspectives from any and all disciplines and career stages. While papers on any subject in STS are welcome, we especially encourage topics that resonate with the overall conference theme.

Key Dates and Calls

  • Call for Open Panels: 17 June - 16 August 2024
  • Call for Individual Papers in Open Panels: 01 September - 31 October 2024
  • Call for Closed Panels: 17 June - 31 October 2024
  • Call for Multimodal Contributions: 29 November 2024
  • Call for Posters: 20 December 2024


We encourage submissions of panel proposals (1) that, based on paper presentations, discuss specific dimensions of the conference topic. We also welcome panels that (2) experiment with the format of the panel, reflecting on rules, strategies, and styles of engaging in discussion and speaking well in the presence of others, as well as those that (3) seek to discuss and diffract critique in relation to the current political, institutional, and media conditions in Germany and beyond.

To facilitate a wide-variety of conversations, panels can extend, at maximum, to two 90-minute sessions. Conventional panels based on paper presentations will be able to accommodate a maximum of 10 contributions. Panel chairs are expected to coordinate the announcement, submission reception, selection process, and presentation order of their sessions.

To propose an Open Panel, please submit a 200-word abstract and a 75- word bio of each chair (max. 2 chairs), as well as an email address for paper submissions. To propose a Closed Panel, please submit a 200- word abstract and a 75-word bio of each chair (max. 2 chairs), as well as a 200-word abstract of each paper contribution.

  • Call for Closed Panels closes 31 October 2024.
  • Notifications of Acceptance for Open Panels: Early September.
  • Notifications of Acceptance for Closed Panels: 15 November 2024.


Paper Submission: Open Panels will be published on the conference website by 01 September 2024. Scholars interested in participating in an Open Panel should submit their individual paper proposal, including a 200- word abstract and a 75-word bio, to the panel chair(s).

Please take into account that the Open Panel chairs are responsible for organising the panel, and that questions should be directly addressed to the chairs of the Open Panels.

  • The Call for Individual Proposals opens 01 September 2024.
  • The Call for Individual Proposals closes 31 October 2024.
  • Panel chairs will notify accepted participants by 15 November 2024.


We welcome multimodal contributions in the form of videos, photography, installations, graphic novels, games, websites, walks and other formats. Multimodal contributions will be exhibited in dedicated conference spaces. Two exhibition and screening spaces for the multimodal contributions will be open throughout the conference. We plan to hold multimodal sessions during which the authors of these contributions will be able to present and discuss their contributions with conference attendees.

If you are interested, please submit a 300-word description explaining the topic, the media of the contribution, as well as any technical requirements for exhibiting it, along with a short bio of 75 words of each contributor to:

To be able to plan better, we have shifted the deadline from 20 December 2024 to 29 November 2024. Please contact us, if this is interfering with your original contribution plans.

  • The Call for Multimodal Contributions opens 01 September 2024.
  • The Call for Multimodal Contributions closes 29 November 2024.


We welcome individual or co-authored poster submissions that address the conference topic. Accepted posters will be presented in a dedicated space within the conference venue. We plan a dedicated multimodal and poster plenary session where authors can discuss their posters with conference attendees.

Please submit a 250 words abstract together with a short bio of 75 words for each author. For the exhibition of the posters, please bring your printed poster to the Hub.

  • The Call for Posters opens 01 September 2024.
  • The Call for Posters closes 20 December 2024.

Submissions of Multimodal Works/Posters

Every participant is allowed two active roles: as (1) either the author of a paper or a poster and as (2) the author of a multimodal contribution. Beyond these two roles, participants can also serve either as a chair or as a respondent of max. one open panel. It is important to mention that single individuals can submit only one proposal as a panel chair, one proposal as author of a paper or a poster, and one proposal as author of a multimodal contribution.

Contact / Email Address for Submissions and Questions

Contact / Email Address for Multimodal Contributions:


The registration period for the STS Hub 2025 runs from 15 November 2024 to 15 January 2024. For the official registration form, please click here or follow the link below:

STS-Hub 2025 – Registration Form

One one important note: Before registering for the conference, we wanted to remind you that it is Free of Charge. As a result, the organisation of the event is based exclusively on the information from this registration form. Please keep this in mind. Thank you for your understanding!


Organisation – time, logistics, finance

When is registration possible?

Registration is possible from 20 November 2024 until 15 January 2025. The conference is free of charge. But please make sure you register as it provides information that will help us organise.

When does the event start and end?

We expect the event to start on Tuesday (March 11, 2025) around lunch time and end on Friday (March 14, 2025). There will be an in-person registration table for you to confirm your attendance throughout the day on Tuesday and until lunch time on Wednesday. An official schedule along with a more detailed programme will be uploaded to the website soon.

What are the catering plans for the event?

The STS-Hub 2025 is a free of charge event. As a result, we will only be able to provide you with a selection of warm beverages and an afternoon snack each day. Following the first plenary, there will also be a small reception. Around the conference venue, there are various food options for lunch, dinner and coffee.

What is the participation fee?

The event is free of charge for all participants no matter your mode of attendance as a researcher or participant.

Do you have any posters or flyers to advertise the STS-hub?

We will eventually have posters that we will distribute in the future. Once available, they will be able to be downloaded from here.

Are funds available for covering (travel) expenses for panel organisers, panelists, contributors or other participants?

Unfortunately, we do not have funds available to support any kind of participants. In lieu of that financial support, we are happy that there is no conference fee and hope that makes it possible for everyone to join.

If you require an official letter of invitation for your visa application, please write us an email with the following details:

We are able to write an official letter of invitation for visa applications. Please write to us and provide the following details:

Current position, Address, Full Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, Passport Number, Email address as well as the Panel Title and your Paper Title

Does the STS-Hub recommend any hotels, and when should I book accommodation

The accommodation situation in Berlin can be tricky. We encourage STS-hub participants to plan their travel and organise accommodation early; we cannot, however, recommend any specific provider.

Where will the event take place?

The majority of the conference (individual panels) will take place at the Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften of HU-Berlin (Dorotheenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin)

The plenary sessions will take place within the nearby main building of the Humboldt University (Unter den Linden 6). It is located just a 2min walk away. Both venues are easily accessible by public transport via the stations S+U Friedrichstraße, U Unter den Linden or tram lines M1 and M12.

What about accessibility?

Rooms at Dorotheenstraße 26 are located over three floors (floors 4-6) and are accessible both by stairs and a spacious elevator. Access to the main university building is also possible via stairs or elevator. Furthermore, all venues feature the possibility for voice amplification. If you have any questions regarding accessibility please contact us:

Are there technical constraints?

All rooms are equipped with projectors, and most with whiteboards and flip-charts. Please note that rooms are usually equipped with computers, which we would prefer to make use of for hosting the hybrid sessions, as less exchange of devices leads to less technical failures, at least from our experience. Thus please prepare a USB-stick with all necessary files in the formats .pdf, .docx, .ptx, .wav or .mp3 or upload them to a cloud service of your choice to ensure that your panel won't suffer from any technical issues. Nevertheless, we recommend bringing a laptop of your own, and if you are a panel organiser, contact us to let us know if you need a hybrid-equipped room (

In case of the occurrence of any technical issues or failures, both members of HU's proprietary technical support team and helpful student assistants will be present throughout the conference.

Is childcare available?

Yes. There will be childcare available at the venue of the conference. However, we have a limited capacity for childcare and require information regarding it in advance. When you register for the conference, please indicate if you need childcare and provide the required information in the registration form. If you have any questions regarding childcare please contact us (

Programme and panels

When can we see the programme?

Programming is currently in progress. The final programme is expected to launch in January 2025.

How often can a participant appear with an active role in the programme?

We are planning the hub under the assumption that any active participant is allowed to appear in up to three roles. Every participant is allowed two active roles: (1) either the author of a contribution to a panel (usually a paper, but it could be something else) or the author of a poster, and (2) the author of a multimodal contribution to the exhibition. Beyond these two roles, participants can have only one more role: (3) either convenor of a panel or respondent/discussant of a panel they are not convening.

Can I request a specific time slot for my active contribution?

Please let us know about your requests regarding your availability. At the same time, we ask for your understanding that due to the high number of parallel events and the sometimes double involvement of people, we cannot fulfill all requests.

What are the different formats taking place during STS-Hub?

There will be five different categories of events taking place during STS-Hub 2025: Plenary Sessions, Panel Sessions, Multimodal Presentations/Exhibitions, Poster Session, and Screenings.

Plenary Sessions
There will be four Plenary Sessions distributed across the four days of the event. Plenary Sessions will take the form of a keynote or panel discussion featuring invited guests and are meant to bring together all participants of the conference. Thus there will be no parallel events during the Plenaries. All plenaries are scheduled to take place in a lecture hall within the main building of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin located at Unter den Linden 6, Berlin.

Panel Sessions
The Panel Sessions are really the backbone of STS-Hub 2025 and will take place most of the time. They are organised and convened by participants of the conference and can stretch across up to three sessions of 90-mins duration each. They will take place in parallel as well as, at times, subsequently, which is why we recommend taking your time to plan your own individual schedule in advance in order to make the most of your time at STS-Hub 2025. All Panel sessions are scheduled to take place on the floors 4-6 within the Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften of HU-Berlin (Dorotheenstraße 24), 10117 Berlin.

Multimodal Presentations/Exhibitions
STS-Hub 2025 is very eager to promote academic contributions beyond the classic paper or presentation formats. Thus it is with great pleasure that we have received a substantial number of contributions which challenge, inspire, and stretch our ideas of what forms research within the field of STS can possibly take. These multimodal contributions encompass films, installations and multi-media art that will take place, both, within a dedicated exhibition room and at several individual locations within the building at Dorotheenstraße 24. Please check the programme for the times of these presentations and exhibitions. If you have any questions regarding multimodal contributions, you can contact us at:

Poster Session
Our dedicated Poster Session is meant to give the floor to more unconventional forms of academic work and to facilitate exchange among participants and to foster conversations. Presenting a poster will provide you an opportunity to share your work with other attendees in smaller conversations around the poster. Furthermore, all posters will be on display within the hallways of Dorotheenstraße 24 throughout the conference.

For those submitting posters, please note that posters should be submitted as an image / PDF file (min 600 dpi) with a short bio of 75 words. The accepted posters will be printed by us in A0 format. For submissions, or if you have any questions, please contact us at:

We decided to dedicate one entire room to the screening of a selection of cinematic/visual works.Screenings will take place at the Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften of HU-Berlin (Dorotheenstraße 24), 10117 Berlin. and will probably be repeated each day. The list of selected films can be obtained from a list in the screening room and in the programme.

Language & Regions

How binding is the focus on Germany ?

The STS-hub openly invites contributions. We are primarily interested in creating a meeting space for STS researchers who are active in diverse associations and disciplines in Germany. However, STS researchers from all over the world who like to get in conversations with STS researchers based in Germany, Austria or Switzerland are warmly welcomed.

In which language should I submit contributions?

Contributions may be submitted in German and English.

What is the language of 2025?

The default language is English, but individual panels may be held in German.


Why is it a “Hub”?

The hub allows hub participants to temporally get together, meet, exchange ideas, and take home impressions and insights, benefitting from a broad range of STS knowledges shared in the same time and place. In short, calling the meeting a 'hub' highlights our goal to connect the multitude of partially distinct, partially overlapping STS networks, associations, research groups and individual scholars.

What is the STS-Hub?

Science & Technology Studies (STS) has become a recognised, delineated academic field in the international research landscape. In Germany, however, STS is rather dispersed among existing academic disciplines, research institutes, and loosely connected academic networks and associations. To strengthen the interconnectedness of STS in Germany, we organise, a conference series that brings together German organisations, labs, and research groups that are more or less closely related to STS.

What is STS-HUB?

Science & Technology Studies (STS) has become a recognised, delineated academic field in the international research landscape. In Germany, however, STS is rather dispersed among existing academic disciplines, research institutes, and loosely connected academic networks and associations. To strengthen the interconnectedness of STS in Germany, we organise, a conference series that brings together German organisations, labs, and research groups that are more or less closely related to STS. You find an overview of already participating groups, organisations, and networks below.

Members of the Local Organising Committee

  • Rossella Alba (IRITHESys)
  • Petra Beck (Robert K. Merton Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung)
  • Milena Bister (IfEE)
  • Ignacio Farías (IfEE)
  • Tülin Fidan (IfEE)
  • Roos Hopman (IfEE)
  • Anke Gruendel (Cluster of Excellence – Matters of Activity)
  • Desirée Hetzel (IRITHESys)
  • Sandra Jasper (IRITHESys)
  • Elisabeth Luggauer (IfEE)
  • Claudia Mareis (Cluster of Excellence – Matters of Activity)
  • Brett Mommersteeg (IfEE)
  • Tahani Nadim (IfEE)
  • Martin Reinhart (Robert K. Merton Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung)
  • Nona Schulte-Römer (IfEE)
  • Robert Stock (Cluster of Excellence – Matters of Activity)
  • Tomás Usón (IRITHESys)
  • Maxime Le Calvé (Cluster of Excellence - Matters of Activity)
  • Etienne Benson (MPIWG Berlin)

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board

  • Etienne Benson (MPIWG Berlin)
  • Stefan Böschen (RWTH Aachen)
  • Michaela Büsse (stsing e.V.)
  • Ulrike Beisel (Humangeographie, FU Berlin)
  • Martina Erlemann (Netzwerk GenderTechnoScience)
  • Alejandro Esguerra (DVPW Arbeitskreis – Politik | Technik | Wissenschaft)
  • Paula Helm (UvA)
  • Susann Hofbauer (DGfE Kommission – Wissenschaftsforschung)
  • Franz Kather (INSIST)
  • Petra Lucht (Feminist STS, TU Berlin)
  • Jan-Hendrik Passoth (GWTF)
  • Cornelius Schubert (DGS Sektion: Wissenschafts-und Technikforschung)
  • Ingo Schulz-Schaffer (Technik- und Innovationssoziologie, TU Berlin)
  • Heike Weber (Technikgeschichte, TU Berlin)
  • Lisa Wiedemann (HSU)